Sunday, January 27, 2019

Pearson Us History Review Questions Essay

1. In the coupled States, the significant change repre moveed by the unconditional tribunals decisions concerning Dred Scott (1857) and Brown v. Board of Education (1954) lift out illust crops the* ability of g everyplacenance to revise tax laws.* desire of minority groups to be recognized.* disappearance of preconceived opinion and discrimination.* continuing struggle of African Americans to achieve equateity. 2. The united States Supreme judgeship decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) was grievous beca social occasion it * change the determination of abolitionists to achieve their goals. * caused the nimble outbreak of the civilized War.* ended the importation of slaves into the joined States. * increased the function of Congress to exclude slavery from the territories.3. Which issues were polemic in national politics during the period 18001850? * racial prejudice, territorial expansion, immigration policy * tariff policy, nullification, rights of neutrals* fo rmula of railroads, afield acquisitions, federal income tax policy * states rights policy, control of the Northwest Territory, acknowledgement of joined States independence by France 4. Which statement best reflects the political doctrine of Alexander Hamilton regarding the actor of a federal organization? * The government which governs to the lowest degree governs best.* The central government should cede most of its effectiveness to local governments. * The government may exercise all occasions necessary and proper to meet its responsibilities. * The executive branch may exercise only those major powers specifically given to it by the Supreme judgeship. 5. The executive branch of the United States government has traditionally gained power during periods when * the presidency has been occupied by a high-ranking armament officer. * the re mankindan Party was in the majority in Congress and the chairperson was a Democrat. * thither has been a serious domestic or internati onal task facing the United States. * the Supreme court of law and Congress have been in conflict over complete issues.6. Actions and policies of the government down the stairs chair George capital of the United States generally resulted in the * establishment of strong political ties with other nations. * arc of many enslaved persons. * failure to create a sound financial political platform for the country. * strengthening of the federal government.7. The significance of the case Marbury v. Madison (1803) is that it * completed the belief of judicial review. * declared the Alien and Sedition Acts to be legitimate laws. * show the supremacy of the national government over the states. * attempted to place the judgeship outside the impeachment power of the House of Representatives.8. Under Chief Justice bottom Marshall, the Supreme Court* stimulated the States rights movement by supporting the judgement that states could reject acts of Congress. * helped create a sense of national unity by strengthening the federal government. * shadowyened the judiciary by refusing to deal with controversial issues. * became heavily involved in unconnected affairs.9. In 1823, the Monroe Doctrine was established in general because the United States wanted to* keep control of Alaska and Hawaii.  * establish more colonies in Latin America. * support Englands attempt to keep its empire in Central America. * warn Europe against any further liquidation in Latin America. 10. Which means for redressing grievances is applicable to American Indians but is unremarkably not applicable to other minority groups? nonviolent marches to back down attention to injustices equal educational and employment opportunity laws  * economic ostracise of all products manufactured in the United States * collective lawsuits to recover familial lands11. Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented chair Thomas Jefferson from* making the Louisiana Purchase.* writing the State of the marriage mess progresss.* receiving ambassadors.* committee military officers.12. In the United States, third- plowsharey movements occur most often when* there is clear danger of foreign attack. * the President is inconsistent in foreign policy. * major political parties ignore vital public interests. * interests in overseas trade and possessions intensifies. 13. The main goal of the Seneca Falls Convention (1848) was to * obtain equal rights for women. * study the public aware of environmental problems.  * correct the abuses of big business.  * take aim the first labor union in the United States.14. Once an amendment has been added to the United States Constitution, which process must be used to change that amendment? * ratifying a new-fangled amendment  * convincing states to ignore the amendment  * having Congress exit a law repealing the amendment  * having the President issue an executive order canceling the amendme nt 15. During the period 18201860, the major concerns in the United States dealt with issues related to * determining the future of slavery. * increasing public funding of political campaigns. * decreasing the build of elective offices. * decreasing voter registration drives.16. The innate amendment reading The right of citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on report of age. restricted the * reserved powers of the States. * delegated powers of Congress. * powers assumed by the Supreme Court. * powers retained by the people.17. Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was the* excretory product of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections. * granting of the right to vote to women. * elimination of the electoral college system for electing the President. * cite of balloting to most African Americans.18. In 1794, President George Washington sent Federal troops into western Pennsylvania to deal with an uprising cognise as the Whiskey Rebellion. The significance of President Washingtons serve is that it* strengthened the power of local and state governments. * forced Congress to pass the Bill of Rights. * showed the strength of the Federal political relation under the Constitution. * weakened the power of the Federal Government to collect sales taxes. 19. Which statement about the double-u movement in the United States during the nineteenth century is most immaculate? * The enclosure discouraged interest in the expansion of voting rights. * The frontier experience tended to decrease social class difference. * Western expansion slowed the rate of industrial enterprise. * The West was settled mostly by immigrants from Asian nations. 20. At the number one of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln maintained that the war was being fought to * maintain national honor. * prevent foreign involvement.   * free all slaves.  * preserve the Union.21. In the period amid 1820 and 1860, Southerners wanted slavery extended to the Western territories so that the South could* continue to elect Southern Presidents.  * continue to dominate the Supreme Court.  * keep enough strength in the Senate to protect Southern interests. * use slave labor to expand Southern industries.22. A similarity between the pre-Civil War abolitionist movement and the Progressive movement is that both* were mainly concerned with improving the status of African Americans. * worked to reduce income taxes. * contributed directly to the puzzle of a major war.  * sought to improve the conditions of poor or laden peoples.23. In the United States, the widespread disregard of the fugitive slave laws and of the barrier laws most clearly indicated that* strongly held values are difficult to regulate. * the federal government is generally unable to enforce its own laws. * little heed is given to the legal system.  * the judicial system is too lenient in its treatment of offenders. 24. Alexander Hamilton believed that a major role of the Federal Government was to * establish and control public schools. * support and encourage business and industry. * go on the superiority of the agrarian way of life. * limit its activities by allowing the states to make important national decisions.25. Which statement about the results of the Civil War is most undefiled? * Federal supremacy was strengthened.* Constitutional government was proven ineffective.  * Universal suffrage was generally accepted.  * Sectional disputes ceased to exist.26. Alexander Hamiltons argument that the government has the power to create a National Bank is based on which part of the Constitution?* the Preamble* the elastic clause* guarantees to the States* the Bill of Rights27. The Supreme Court under Chief Justice rear end Marshall was similar to the Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren in that both* stren gthened the power and influence of business.* increased the Presidents war powers.* changed public policy through broad interpretation of the Constitution. * increased the rights of the accused under the fifth and sixth amendments.28. In the United States during the late 1780s, the Federalists were most believably to support* continued loyalty to the British Government.* establishment of a weak national government.* strengthening of States rights.* ratification of the United States Constitution.29. The tariff issue of 1828, the sezession of the Southern states in the 1860s, and school desegregation in the 1950s dealt with the constitutional issue of* the federal-state relationship.* popular sovereignty.* checks and balances.* representation in Congress.30. The legal basis for the United States purchase of the Louisiana Territory was the* power granted to the President to make treaties.* Presidents power as Commander in Chief.* authority of Congress to declare war.* Senates duty to approve the appointment of ambassadors.31. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were best noted for their struggle to* prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcohol.* abolish slavery.* see the right of women to vote.* expose government corruption.32. The reason for ending the importation of enslaved persons to the United States after 1807 was the* success of the American colonial revolution against Britain.* rapid industrialization of the South.* replacement of slave labor by immigrant workers from eastern Europe.* passage of economy that forbids the practice.33. The power relationship that changed most as a result of the Civil War was the increase in the power of the* individual over the state.* military over the civilian population.* Congress over the President.* Federal Government over the states.34. Which event was the immediate cause of the secession of several Southern states from the Union in 1860? * the Dred Scott decision, which declared that all prior compromises on t he extension of slavery into the territories were unconstitutional * the Missouri Compromise, which kept an even balance between the number of free and slave states * the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, which was led by the militant abolitionist John Brown * the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the spread of slavery into the territories 35. Which long-run tradition finally became part of the United States Constitution through an amendment? * the bipartisan system* the appointment of a Presidential Cabinet  * restricting the President to two terms of office * the election of Federal judges

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