Saturday, February 2, 2019

Pearl Harbor Essay -- essays research papers

Pearl HarborI. Events before the barrage fireA. Reasons for Japans Expansion     1.     The Nipponese were hard lacking in raw materials2.     The Japanese wanted to get an imperium3.     Japan thought that it must build up its armies to fence with the Western PowersII. Preparations A.     The Japanese made up a 8 taper plan1. Surprise was crucial2.     American aircraft carriers there should be the master(a) targets3.     U.S. aircraft there must be destroyed to prevent aerial underground4.     All Japanese aircraft carriers available should be used5.     All types of bombing should be used in the approach path6.     A strong battler element should be included in the attack for air shroud for the fleet7.     Refueling at sea would be required8.  &nb sp  A daylight attack promised best results, especially in the sunrise hoursB.     The necessary troops were trained and ships were readiedC.     Peace talks came to a haltIII. The tone-beginningA. The attack was carrier basedB.     The attack consisted of about 300 planesC.     The attack started at 755 a.m. IV. Aftermaths of the attack     A. American losses1.     19 ships were damaged or sunk2.     2,403 people were killed3.     Germany and Italy declared contend on AmericaV. ConclusionA. The war was stopped by the atom-bombing of Hiroshima and NagasakiB.     The President was cognisant of Japans plans to attackC.     The attack was allowed to bring Japan into the warPearl HarborI. Events before the bombingA. Reasons for Japans Expansion     1. &nbs p   The Japanese were severely lacking in raw materials2.     The Japanese wanted to build an empire3.     Japan thought that it must build up its armies to com... ...d first. The plan was to petulance Japan and thus to drag America into the greatest war of her existence. even even with this Terrible Truth I am inclined to forgive. I sympathize with President Roosevelt and the dilemma he faced. He was forced to move up circuitous means to persuade an isolationist America to join in a fight for freedomIt is easier to take a critical cerebration of this policy a half century after the event than to amply understand fully what went on in Roosevelts mind in the year prior to Pearl Harbor.Work Cited     (April 10,2001).December 7,1941. World Wide Web. Available uniform resource locator=http//      (April 20,2001).Historychannel. World Wide Web. Available uniform resource locator=http// 10,2001).The History Place. World Wide Web. Available URL=http// Louis L. Snyder. Pearl Harbor. Academic American Encyclopedia 1989 ed.Stackman, Michael, Target Pearl Harbor. capital of Hawaii University of Hawaii      Press, 1990

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