Saturday, August 31, 2019

Management Obstructive Submandibular Gland Disease Health And Social Care Essay

Submandibular secretory organ is one of the major salivary secretory organs found in human existences. The others are sublingual and the parotid secretory organs. The three secretory organs are found to be located in the oral cavity and around the pharynx. All the three secretory organs together with other salivary secretory organs serve the intent of releasing spit in the oral cavity. The submandibular salivary secretory organ specifically secretes saliva under the lingua in the front part ( Yuasa et al 1997 ) . The chief causes of submandibular secretory organ obstructor are the salivary calculuss and they are known to do puffiness of the secretory organs several repeated times particularly during repasts. Saliva is besides produced by other group of secretory organs referred to as minor secretory organs ( Yuasa 1998 ) . These minor secretory organs are found in the oral cavity liners, lips and roof of the mouth. Sometimes they can be located in the olfactory organ. These glanses a re susceptible to a figure of diseases and upsets some of which include swelling or balls besides known as obstructor or tumours ; infections by bacteriums, viruses and this can take to epidemic parotitiss ; dry oral cavity and hurts largely lacerations ( Rauch and Gorlin 1970 ) .Submandibular secretory organ Anatomy.The structural anatomy of submandibular secretory organ was studied earlier in the 17th century and was subsequently visualized in the 1990s by assistance of an endoscope. The endoscopic technological techniques have developed quickly sing the past 10 old ages and this has been accompanied by sialoendoscopy debut and an betterment in direct submandibular secretory organ diagnosing and geographic expedition. This has besides permitted minimum invasive interventions of surgery to acquire off with the obstructor.ObstructionObstruction of submandibular secretory organs merely refers to interference with saliva flow in these secretory organs usually due to formation of rock in the secretory organs. The marks and symptoms of this upset usually occur when one is holding repasts. The individual enduring from this disease can originate production of the spit but the produced spit can non be able to come out through the ductal system taking to accretion in the several secretory organ. It is this accretion that leads to swelling of the secretory organ involved and this is followed by terrible hurting and the happening of an infection at this phase can put in ( Capaccio et al 2003 )Causes of obstructor.The chief cause of salivary secretory organ obstructor is the Sialolithiasis which accounts for about 60 six per centum of the entire secretory organ obstructor instances. Tumors, cauli rocks and stenosiss besides account for a comparatively high per centum of secretory organ obstructor. However obstructor is besides caused by other minor factors including stoppers of mucous secretion, neoplasm compaction, foreign organic structures and sometimes obstructor by granulation tissue which can be due excessively immunological jobs. Obstruction can besides be as a consequence of exposure of the secretory organ to the radioiodine therapy which causes harm to these secretory organs particularly for persons enduring from thyroid carcinoma ( Milton, Thomas and Bickerton 1986 ) . Obstruction of the salivary canal can besides be caused deficient coordination of neuromuscular masseteric. Finally obstructor can be due to traumatic dentitions eruption or initiation of dental plate compaction in the opening of the salivary canal.Other possible causes submandibular salivary secretory organ obstructor.There are several possible causes of obstruction or obstructor of the submandibular salivary secretory organs. These factors can either be classified as extraductal, ductal or intratuctal factors. Extraductal causes are besides termed as interductal causes which can happen due to force per unit area built up from the other tumours next or next to the submandi bular secretory organ. The force per unit area built up in these next canals or tumours cause swelling of these canals. When these canals swell outwards, the submandibular secretory organs near to them acquire compressed taking to their obstruction or obstructor to flux of spit. Other than the force per unit area from the tumours adjacent to the submandibular secretory organs, other constructions of anatomy close to these secretory organs can besides do compaction force per unit area. Ductal factors or causes involve stenosiss of fibre that criss-cross in the interior of the canals of the submandibular secretory organs. These stenosiss emerge from the walls of the submandibular secretory organ canals and turn towards the hollow side doing obstructor or obstruction to flux of spit. Intraductal factors or causes include things like mucose stoppers or the concretion. Accretion of the mucose on the walls of the canals of submandibular secretory organs will finally take to decrease of th e infinite available for flow of the spit. Elevated degrees of this mucose accretion lead to obstructor. The mucose is believed to be secreted by some enzymes in the walls of the canals.InflammationIn a instance where the rock does non blockade the canal of the secretory organ wholly, the secretory organ will merely demo the swelling consequence at a clip of feeding and so goes back to normal after the repasts but this state of affairs will once more reiterate in the following feeding session. The abnormally pulled spit is most likely to acquire septic and this leads to extra terrible hurting and secretory organ swelling. There is a likeliness of the secretory organ going abscessed if this status is left unattended to for a long clip ( Epker 1972 ) . Abnormality is one of the causes of obstructor in some people. In instances where the major salivary secretory organs happen to hold some abnormalcies like development of bottlenecks, the spit may non be able to flux freely in such a instance and this can take to reduced flow of spit and this can make room for infections and other obstructor symptoms ( Becker et al 2000 ) .TumorsThe primary malignant and benign tumours of the salivary secretory organ usually appear as typical expansions or puffinesss of the affected secretory organs. In most instances tumours involves on one secretory organ and on really rare state of affairss will you tumours involve in more than one secretory organ ( Yoshimura et al 1989 ) . Tumors are detected as growing expansions in the submandibular country or in other countries like the parotid secretory organ, mouth floor, lips and besides in the cheeks. The major secretory organs ‘ malignant tumours are described as fast growth, can take to loss of ges ture of the side of face which is affected either entirely or partially and these tumours are really painful. The probe of the symptoms needs to be carried out quickly ( Spiro 1998 ) .DiagnosisThe chief methods of diagnosing of any salivary secretory organ disease are by proving in the research lab, physical scrutiny and sometimes the history of an person is put in consideration. In a state of affairs where an person is suspected of holding a major salivary secretory organ obstructor, there will be need to anaesthetize the oral cavity salivary canal gap, investigation and distend it to enable the transition of the clogging rock. The usage of dental X raies may besides assist in location of the calcified rocks. A CT scan type of X ray will be helpful in instance a mass is located in the secretory organ and this type of scan will demo if the placed mass is portion of the secretory organ or a lymph node associate ( Bodner 2002 ) .TreatmentSalivary secretory organ diseases can be tackle d by either medical intervention or by surgical operation. The method to be used for intervention will be determined by the nature of the secretory organ job. If the nature of the job is one that attacks the organic structure as a whole so this must be treated and may necessitate farther audiences from other specializers but if the status involves obstructor of the salivary secretory organs and other secretory organ infections so antibiotics can rectify the state of affairs. However some instances of secretory organ diseases may necessitate canal instrumentality. In the instance where a mass has developed in the salivary secretory organ, the mass remotion by surgery is necessary. When transporting out surgery, attention must be taken to avoid harm to the nervousnesss located in the secretory organs ( Drage 2002 ) .Sialolithiasis/Calculi ( rocks )In many instances, this upset occurs largely in the submandibular salivary secretory organs and canals. However a few instances are reporte d to happen in the parotid secretory organs. The chief cause of the stenosiss can be due to the injury that can originate from cheek biting. Other causes may be due to dental plates, concretion and sometimes post surgery effects. The persons enduring from this status experience several symptoms ( Marchal et al 2001 ) . They feel pain at the clip of feeding and this hurting is relentless and the swelling occurs largely during eating. The discharge of the spit and Pus from these secretory organs will alleviate these symptoms. Failure to go to to this status will take to stagnancy and accretion of the spit in the affected secretory organs taking to happening of infection. If this state of affairs continues for long without any attending so the patient ‘s secretory organs may be destructed for good ( Nahlieli et al 2000 ) . This upset can be treated or managed but the direction or intervention depends on the type, the location and the degree of devastation of the involved secretor y organs. The intervention measures largely employed include canal repositioning, canal Reconstruction, calculus remotion by surgery, stenosis dilation and besides gland deletion ( Renhen 2001 ) .Malignant tumour.The major secretory organs ‘ malignant tumours are described as fast growth, can take to loss of gesture of the side of face which is affected either entirely or partially and these tumours are really painful. The probe of the symptoms needs to be carried out quickly. The chief symptoms of this upset as described include hurting, weak facial nervousnesss, lump tethering and fast growing of the tumour. The sort of probes that can be employed in this instance can either by MRI scan or usage of CT scan. A all right needle cytological aspirate can be applicable but the job is that this probe is dearly-won taking to many concerns ( Brown 2002 ) . Adenoid cystic carcinoma. This status is divided to three subtypes. There is the cannular type, the cribriform type and the solid type. Among these three types, the most aggressive is the solid type. These three subtypes of the adenoid cystic carcinoma may happen in the same tumour or individually in different tumours. The features, marks and symptoms include perineural invasions which occur in about 60 per centum of the patients ‘ diagnosed with this upset. There is besides cervical metastasis although this is rare and occurs merely in approximately eight to thirteen per centum of the patients while the other symptom is the distant metastasis which happens in about 50 per centum of the patients ‘ diagnosed with this disease and this is largely sited in the castanetss and the lungs ( Seaver 1979 ) . The most employed intervention or direction is adenoid cystic carcinoma surgery as the primary intervention. The other direction techniques include entire parotidectomy and th is is largely done when there is suspension of tumour clinical invasion. Radiotherapy can besides be employed in instance surgery is non successful. Then there is a demand to make frequent follow ups Incas of extremely susceptible patients to this upset in order to pull off it ( Chummun 2001 ) Acinic cell carcinoma is normally located in the parotid secretory organ. This disease appears as a mass turning easy in the secretory organs and it is accompanied with hurting and tenderness. This tumour looks similar to cells of serous acinar. Other cases related to this status have been reported in the submandibular secretory organs and other salivary secretory organs. Persons with different age can endure from this disease but kids and average aged persons ( between 40s and 50s ) are most susceptible. This status can be treated or managed by using assorted surgery degrees followed radiation therapy. The other intervention method is neutron beam radiation, chemotherapy and besides conventional radiation ( Baruchin 2000 ) . Mucoepidermoid carcinoma incidences happen most likely compared to other two types. Persons aged between 20 and 50 are the most susceptible. This status can happen in any salivary secretory organ but many such instances have been witnessed or apparent in the smaller salivary secretory organ of the roof of the mouth. This status can eat deep into the dentigerous cyst wall. Symptoms of both high and intermediate signifier of this status include metastasis to the part ‘s lymph. This status is treated or managed by surgical dissection. The other method of direction is the postoperative radiation therapy ( Medina 1998 ) .Decision.Several disease conditions affect salivary secretory organs and they are brought about by different factors. All the medical applications that are employed in any status of this diseases will either be surgical or by usage of medical specialty. These sorts of interventions are done by sawboness with experience in the caput and neck subdivisions of the organ ic structure. These sawboness are referred to as otolaryngologist sawboness and in this instance they are specialized in both caput and cervix related surgeries. ( Koch et al 2005 ) . Many more establishments that offer unwritten surgery and any other related researches should be enhanced and accomplished to be able to minimise these conditions and be able to manage even much more complicated diseases related to salivary secretory organs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Criticism of the Church in the Canterbury Tales Essay

The Canterbury Tales, a collection of tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, was written in Middle English at the end of the 14th century (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011). It is considered to be the best work of literature in English in the Middle Ages (Johnston, 1998). Chaucer uses literary devices as no one had ever done. In addition, he chose to use English instead of Latin. This masterpiece is structured in a similar way as Bocaccio’s Decameron. The tales are organized within a frame narrative (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2011) explained in the General Prologue by the narrator: a group of pilgrims that are going to visit St.  Thomas Becket in Canterbury’s Cathedral. These pilgrims are from different estates of the medieval society: nobility, the church and peasantry (The Norton Anthology, 1993: 76). Through the characters, Chaucer reveals some aspects of the society he lived in. In other words, instead of creating typical role models, the characters are exaggerated individuals very different from the prototypical idea. The author uses hyperbolic characters and irony to create humour and criticism. For example, the knight is not the typical medieval soldier the reader would expect. He avoids conflict being a very romantic person. In a similar way, the characters that are part of the Church are also very peculiar. At the time when Chaucer wrote this poem, the Catholic Church was very powerful and rich. The clergy enjoyed great fortunes and a high quality of life compared with the peasantry who was starving and dying. In this essay, I’m going to deal with the criticism towards the Catholic Church analysing the ironic portrays of the Prioress, the Monk, the Friar and the Pardoner. Chaucer begins writing about the hypocrisy of the church in the General Prologue when the Prioress is introduced. The Prioress is a nun with very good manners (e. g. she wipes her lips before drinking, lines 133-134) that behaves as if she were a lady of the court (e. g. she speaks French but with a very bad accent, lines 124-125). The Prioress is also very romantic as we can see in her brooch and her motto: â€Å"Amor vincit omnia† -â€Å"Love conquest all†- (Dr. Melillo, 1996). She is also very kind and sensitive. For instance, she cries when a mouse falls in a trap and feeds her dogs meat so they do not starve. This image of nice person contrasts with the reality of the time. If her words and actions are analyzed, the audience can understand that this was not the typical behavior of a nun. She is more worried about her pets than the commoners who actually did starve and rarely ate meat. The narrator is portraying her as a very naive person in a very nice tone that hides the irony. Nevertheless, the audience was aware that she is not fulfilling the aim of the Church: take care of people (The Norton Anthology, 1993:76). The Monk is the following pilgrim described in the General Prologue. According to his description he is very interested in hunting and in horses (line 166). A monk should not be riding and hunting but obeying, praying, copying and studying. In addition, the Monk is fully aware that his order does not allow these practices and he admits that he does not follow the rules of his order (Jokinen, 2010) (lines 174-175). When the portrait of the Monk finishes in the General Prologue, the man described is bald, fat and well-dressed. Any person in that time that heard this description would immediately think about a lord not a monk. Although the narrator likes the life style of the Monk and his description is not very acid, we can see how Chaucer is criticizing some monk’s lives. Monks are supposed to be obedient and to embrace vow of poverty not to reject rules and live the life they want. After analyzing two characters against who the narrator does not show great rejection, I am going to analyze the Friar and the Pardoner who the narrator describes in a very ironic and bitter tone. A friar is a roaming priest that begs for living whose goal is to help beggars and lepers selflessly. On the contrary, this friar really detests this kind of action because he does not get any benefice from it (lines 242-247). He likes to enjoy life and pleasures. He shows that he is not like a normal friar implying that he is above (lines 210-211) like an aristocrat (Knapp, 1999). In this sense, he acts like the Prioress does, pretending not to be who he really is, a beggar. The reader also knows that he accepts bribes and gives easy penance for extra donations so he can live better. He justifies his conduct explaining that giving money is a sign of repentance. Nevertheless, the Friar, as the Monk, is supposed to have done the vow of poverty. Contradicting any preconceived ideas the reader may have about friars, he has a good quality life thanks to keeping the money he should give his order nd receiving extra incomes. In the description of the character, the audience understood how Chaucer is condemning the abuses of the Church by creating a person who does not follow any of the prototypical characteristics of a good Christian friar. Finally, I am going to explain in detail the character of the Pardoner. The Pardoner resembles the Friar in the fact that both get money from people (with a religious reason behind) for a living and keep it for themselves. However, there are some differences: the Pardoner is not part of an order whereas the Friar is; and he does not believe in what he does either while the Friar justifies it. The Pardoner is considered the most hypocrite character of all because he embodies all the sins he preaches against. He sells papal indulgences in exchange of donation that he keeps for himself showing avarice (lines 389-391). In addition, he admits that he does not feel guilty and that the relics he sells are a fraud. Furthermore, he tells the other pilgrims his tricks implying that he lies and manipulates people to get money. Ironically, after he has admitted that he is a liar, the Pardoner gives a kind of sermon against gluttony, drunkenness, gambling and swearing. Moreover, his tale can be considered an exemplum (Patterson, 1976) that warns against avarice and drunkenness. He gives an instance of the kind of person he is when he tries to sell one of his relics to the Host even when he has already told them they are forged and useless. Apart from being described as, what we would call now, a con artist and a sinful person, there are allusions to his condition of homosexual and eunuch (Jokinen, 1998). All these characteristics make him appear in the margins of society. As I said before, this character is the one that better represents the hypocrisy that Chaucer shows in this work. As I said, he represents all the sins he preaches against: he drinks (his finishes his drink before stating the tale); he lies (about his relics, line 394), and he is greedy (he keeps the money, line 409). Through this character, the author shows a very sinful and corrupt church away from their goal. To conclude, Chaucer shows a very hypocrite and selfish members of the Church in The Canterbury Tales. In the 14th century, the Catholic Church was very influential and religion was present in everyday life. The purpose of the Church was supposed to be the caring of the people. Nonetheless, the characters in this poem do not worry about anything else that themselves and their actions are directed always to their own benefit. Through their words and actions described ironically by the narrator, the characters reflect their sins and their corruption and by extension, the sins and corruption of the Church. It can be concluded that in The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer makes a social criticism showing the dishonesty of the Church. However, it should be pointed out that the characters are an exaggerated version of the original people because the main aim of this work is to be enjoyable for the audience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Capstone Project Paper: Hernando County Essay

Hernando County is located in the Tampa Bay area and is surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico to its West, Pasco County to its South, Sumter County to its East, and Citrus County to its North. Hernando County has a population of 172,778 people (Hernando County Profile, 2012). According to Justia. com Hernando County is about seventy-six percent urban setting and the rest rural non-farming. The size of Hernando County is 53,927 square miles (County Information, 2012). The three major private sector employers are Wal-Mart Distribution Center, Oak Hill Hospital, and Spring Hill and Brooksville Regional Hospitals. Oak Hill Hospital, Spring Hill Regional Hospital, and Brooksville Regional are the major health care systems in the county (Hernando County Profile, 2012). The age group range of forty- five to sixty- four years old comprises the largest percentage of residents in Hernando County (Florida Charts, 2012). Five percent of the population is black people, and ninety- three percent is white people (Florida Charts, 2012). Nine percent is Hispanic, while ninety- one percent is non-Hispanic (Florida Charts, 2012). Twelve percent of families in Hernando County and fourteen percent of families in Florida are below the poverty level (Florida Charts, 2012). Eighty- six percent of the population in Hernando County greater than age twenty- five have a high school diploma. Eighty- five percent of the population in Florida greater than age twenty- five have a high school diploma (Florida Charts, 2012). Two percent of the population greater than age five in Hernando County do not speak English, and seven percent of the population greater than age five in Florida do not speak English (Florida Charts, 2012). Overview of Healthy People 2020 â€Å"Healthy People 2020 provides science-based, 10-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans (Healthy People 2020, 2012, p. 2). † The United States Department of Health and Human Services manages the site. Healthy People 2020 was developed to improve the nation’s health among all socioeconomic groups by monitoring the effects of prevention methods, educating people on healthy lifestyle decisions, promoting healthy environments, and establishing what research should be conducted. The goals of Healthy People 2020 include: Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death. Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups. Create social and physical environments that promote good health for all. Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. (Healthy People 2020, 2012) The Leading Health Indicators come from the list of Healthy People 2020 objectives. The Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020 are the issues of our nation’s health given the greatest priority in resolving (Healthy People 2020, 2012). The Leading Health Indicators were made to communicate high- priority health concerns and measures that can be taken to deal with them. According to Healthy People 2020, â€Å"The indicators will be used to assess the health of the Nation, facilitate collaboration across sectors, and motivate action at the national, State, and community levels to improve the health of the U.  S. population† (Healthy People 2020, 2012, p. 7). The Leading Health Indicators of Healthy People 2020 are the issues of our nation’s health given the greatest priority in resolving. They include the following: access to health services; clinical preventive services; environmental quality; injury and violence; maternal, infant, and child health; mental health; nutrition, physical activity, and obesity; oral health; reproductive and sexual health; social determinants; substance abuse; and tobacco (Healthy People 2020, 2012). Healthy People 2020 suggests that organizations who are working towards making the goals a reality, submit their LHI success stories to the Healthy People 2020 website so that Healthy People 2020 can use them to their benefit. These stories can give other people and organizations hope for success to attain their own goals. Furthermore, Healthy People 2020 proposes to MAP-IT in order to implement indicators in a community or population. The MAP-IT strategy can be used in any community to ultimately achieve Healthy People 2020 goals. One must mobilize supporters, assess the needs of the community, plan how to address these needs, implement the plan, and track the progress (Healthy People 2020, 2012). Analysis of Strengths and Needs The three leading health indicators of strength for Hernando County are maternal, infant, and child health; nutrition, physical activity, and obesity; and tobacco (Indicators for county: Hernando, 2012). For maternal, infant, and child health, Hernando County is in the first quartile (most favorable) for early prenatal care (care began first trimester), infant death rate, and neonatal death rate. Hernando County is also better than the state of Florida by having less premature births, births to teens fifteen to nineteen years old, and repeat births to mothers fifteen to nineteen years old and a lower post neonatal death rate. Regarding nutrition, physical activity, and obesity, Hernando County beats the Healthy People 2020 goals of thirty- three percent of the adult population engaging in no leisure-time physical activity with a percentage of twenty- seven percent and thirty- one percent of the adult population being obese (Indicators for county: Hernando, 2012). Concerning tobacco, Hernando County is in the first quartile (most favorable) for the percentage of adults who are current smokers (Florida Charts, 2012). The three leading health indicators of need in Hernando County are injury and violence, social determinants, and oral health (Indicators for county: Hernando, 2012). In regards to social determinants, Hernando County is in the fourth quartile (least favorable) for unemployment rate and is in the third quartile for median income (in dollars) (Florida Charts, 2012). Unemployment rate is a social determinant as it describes the conditions that the community is living in. For injury and violence, Hernando County is in the fourth quartile (least favorable) for unintentional injuries age-adjusted death rate and for suicide age-adjusted death rate. Additionally, Hernando County is in the third quartile for motor vehicle crash age-adjusted death rate and for domestic violence offenses (Florida Charts, 2012). There is a need to lower the injury and violence rate in the county because as compared to the state of Florida, Hernando is one of the most violent counties in Florida (Florida Charts, 2012). In concern of oral health, Hernando County is in the fourth quartile (least favorable) for adults who had a permanent tooth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease (Florida Charts, 2012). Oral health is designated as the priority health indicator. Oral health care is extremely important because people need to prevent infections of the mouth, cavities that cause pain, and cancer. But the primary concern is periodontal disease and how it can lead to more severe diseases. Such diseases caused by periodontal disease range from diabetes to heart disease. Previously stated, Hernando County is in the fourth quartile (least favorable) for adults who had a permanent tooth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease (Florida Charts, 2012). Community Health Models Determinants of Health â€Å"are broad categories of factors that influence health and illness† (Clark, 2008, p. 66). The Determinants-of-Health Model is a combination of other models such as the producing health, consuming health care model and the mandala model. The Determinants-of-Health Model can help the Community Health Nurse develop interventions that address a population based health concern because it has different categorical determinants with topics imbedded in each determinant. The Community Health Nurse could use this model to figure out which determinant is applicable for a certain health issue and use the model to narrow down topics for immediate intervention (Clark, 2008). Human biology, the health system, environment, and lifestyle are factors that can contribute to oral health and are part of the Determinants-of-Health-Model (Clark, 2008). Human biology, like one’s gender, can predispose a person to a certain quality of oral health. A study done in South Asia revealed that women were more likely to get dental caries than men due to genetic and hormonal factors (Lukacs, 2011). The utilization part of the health system also plays a role in oral health, which is shown in research done by the National Survey of Children’s Health 2007. This research showed that children with poor oral health care are more likely to utilize dental health services when they are young, but less likely to go to the dentist when they are older than those that with adequate oral health (Bell, Huebner, & Reed, 2007). Furthermore a study in Australia proves that the addition of fluoride to public water, which is a part of built environment and the environmental determinants, has a positive correlation with the quality of oral health (Armfield, 2010). The lifestyle choice of smoking significantly lessens oral health quality, as confirmed by a study performed in Croatia (Zajc, I. , Brajdic, D. , Biocic, J. , Bosan-Kilibarda, I. , Kopic, V. , Siber, S. , & Macan, D. , 2011). Population Diagnosis The population diagnosis for the priority health issue of oral health is that large adult population in Hernando County is at risk of oral health degradation related to lack of knowledge in proper dental care, evidenced by: (a) Hernando County is in the fourth quartile (least favorable) for adults who had a permanent tooth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease, (b) Hernando county is in the second quartile for adults who had their teeth cleaned in the past year, and (c) Hernando County is in the second quartile for adults who visited a dentist or a dental clinic in the past year (Florida Charts, 2012). The Interventions Wheel The Interventions Wheel â€Å"consists of 17 identified community health nursing interventions that cross over three levels of population-based practice: individual-focused, community-focused, and systems-focused practice† (Clark, 2008, p. 75). The Intervention Wheel is supposed to integrate the idea of determinants of health as all factors that affect health, not just disease or health-related behaviors. The authors of the model also indicate that the model â€Å"emphasizes health promotion and illness prevention† (Clark, 2008, p. 7). To apply the Interventions Wheel to the previously mentioned population diagnosis, the community-focused intervention of social marketing could be utilized. By using social marketing, the county could write a grant to fund a media campaign to spread the word about the importance of dental care (Clark, 2008). Levels of Prevention â€Å"Nursing interventions for identified health needs in the population are planned within the dimensions of health care. The dimensions of health care derive from the public health concepts of levels of prevention and include primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention† (Clark, 2008 p. 72) If you perform an intervention that is designed to prevent a health issue from happening, then it is primary prevention. For instance, â€Å"Immunization is a protective measure for communicable diseases† (Clark, 2008, p. 73). If the intervention is supposed to fix an existing issue, it is secondary prevention. This prevention includes â€Å"screening and early diagnosis as well as treatment for existing health problems† (Clark, 2008, p. 73). When a performed intervention is designed to prevent long-term consequences of a former problem, it is a tertiary prevention. An example of a tertiary prevention would be â€Å"exercise after a broken leg†¦ to prevent muscle atrophy and contractures† (Clark, 2008, p. 73). All three of the preventions mentioned apply to the priority health issue of oral health. For instance, a primary prevention would be going to the dentist routinely for cleaning to prevent cavities and disease of the mouth. A secondary prevention would be to use fluoride after the dentist identifies the degradation of tooth enamel. A tertiary prevention would be the use of a mouth guard after a hockey player lost their tooth and got it replaced by the dentist. Evidence Based Interventions For the primary level of prevention, a community-focused intervention could be utilized in support of the priority health issue of oral health. Health teaching could be done by working at local festivals and fairs promoting a teeth cleaning campaign. The campaign would be funded by local legislators in the county. The community health nurse could have a booth set-up at these local festivals and fairs teaching the community about the importance of oral health care. An article in the International Journal of Cardiology 2011 says that oral health promotion activities seem to produce improvements in periodontal health (Lam, O. , Zhang, W. , Samaranayake, L. , Li, L. , McGrath, C. , 2011). For the secondary level of prevention, a system-focused intervention could be used in support of the population diagnosis previously mentioned. By working with local health care providers to develop systems for screening, follow-up appointments, and treatment for cavities and gum disease, the rates of tooth loss in Hernando County could be lowered. The community health nurse would meet with other health care providers and help make these services available. An article in the American Journal for Public Health 2011 states that the dental practice is responsible for screening for disease in both oral and general health (Lamster & Eaves, 2011). For the tertiary level of prevention, an individual-focused intervention could be employed in support of oral health. By working with local health care providers, the community health nurse could establish follow-up care for patients with gum disease. Compliance of the patient could be monitored by seeing how many follow-up appointments the patient attends out of the suggested amount of appointments scheduled by the dentist. The dentist could monitor the treatment effects with subsequent visits by the patient. The patient could be educated on how to better his oral health care to prevent further negative impact and the spread of the disease. According to the Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2010, people that take better care of their teeth have a greater likelihood of showing up for follow-up care (Kakudate, N. , Morita, M. , Yamazaki, S. , Fukuhara, S. , Sugai, M. , Nagayama, M. , Kawanami, M. , & Chiba, I. , 2010). Conclusion Health policy plays a direct role on the health care received by patients. Health policy develops protocols on what procedures should be performed for certain situations. The health policy proposal is a secondary level prevention with a system-focused approach. The health policy proposal is that people who have been diagnosed with gum disease should seek follow-up care during the next two years to prevent tooth loss. â€Å"Dental care is necessary to prevent and treat orofacial disease, infection, and pain, as well as restore form and function of dentition† (Policy on medically necessary care, 2011, p. 20). The health policy proposal will decrease the number adults who had a permanent tooth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease in Hernando County.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom Research Paper

Dongfan Greg Chung in a California Courtroom - Research Paper Example This essay tells that facing charges in a California courtroom, Greg Chung is alleged to have passed along private and classified information to China for more than three decades without having been detected. His case represents the first in which a person is tried under the Economic Espionage Act which was passed in 1996. The charges he faces are severe and vary from conspiracy to economic espionage to obstruction of justice, lying to federal agents and being a foreign agent himself. Each charge is a hefty criminal matter with strong ethical implications. Did Mr. Chung knowingly deceive and lie for more than three decades while passing along private information to China, an economic adversary and a country which has had strained relations with the United States for more than a half century? Are deceit and mistrust the only ethical dilemmas faced by Mr. Chung? The following will explore the important ethical values raised by this case and the important ethical principles currently be en debated in the trial of Mr. Chung. From a purely ethical standpoint, the case of Dongfan "Greg" Chung raises important questions about a man, an employee and a naturalized American citizen. As an individual facing an onslaught of questions surrounding his character over a thirty year period, Mr. Chung is being questioned about his truthfulness and honesty. These are important individual values which are being brought into question by the charges leveled by a Santa Ana prosecutor. From a purely business standpoint, Greg Chung is accused of breaching the business ethics of trust, particularly as it pertains to sensitive, perhaps even classified Boeing documents â€Å"critical to the US space program†.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Directions in the Word document Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Directions in the Word document - Essay Example hinese made them get a lot of rebellion from the white labor unions because they got a lot of publicity from the media, as well as claims that they were taking most of the money which would rather go the other races. There was the massacre of the Chinese due to a woman dispute between the Chinese and a white man in an effort to send the Chinese packing back to China (Gregory 56). Since the gold rush era, there has been population growth in California due to many immigrants from China and its states especially Vietnam. Many Chinese is in Orange County than other counties. There has been a 35.2% rise in number of Chinese entering California. Many critics say it is an invasion, because the population of China is overwhelming thus they have to settle the population elsewhere. The Chinese provides high skills in technological industry especially engineers and programmers. According to the media, California has taken a turn from an entry port to a final destination for Vietnamese who take refuge in America. The spillover of Chinese has been due to the Chinese War and the Tsunamis that are prone in China thus most come as refugees. Considering California, the market thus, taken over by the Chinese who come as immigrants and then due to their hard work and marketing strategies they take the market by storm. Surprisingly, the Chinese settlers have taken effort and ra n for offices without fear of racial discrimination; there sophistication has come with time (Starr 67). The California legislator’s insistence that they should apologize for the treatment that the Chinese immigrants got from the Gold Rush era, many have gotten the encouragement to settle in America. The support that they get from the government is due to their hard work and determination thus able to adapt in America. The Chinese have been able to adapt because though there are high taxes on their commodities, they oblige to pay thus are able to hold jobs and own property while paying their taxes without

E-Commerce in Project Integration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Commerce in Project Integration - Essay Example These applications use electronic communications systems and technology of internet (world wide web) and local area networks.1 These depend on computer and non computer technologies. The usage of non computer technologies can be speed up using the e commerce applications. For example the sales and transportation activities can be speeded up by timely communication using computer technologies. According to a survey the ecommerce business applications generated $12.3 billion sales in 2003. this sales is apart from the general sales. The concept of electronic commerce was not same as it was now when compared to 30 years back. The concept has changed with the change of technology. In the present day usage and the needs the e - commerce applications usually integrate various activities in the project management. 30 years back, the interchange of data and funds transfer used to be the meaning of e commerce. They included the transmission of purchase orders and invoices electronically. The process of integration is not present in the beginning. E - Commerce is combination of technology and business. The name itself will represent that combination. It can be defined as the set of processes that execute the business. The analysis of the information available also is part of e commerce. 20 years back, the initiation of credit cards and ATMs occurred. This increased the speed of transaction. After that the e commerce introduced the enterprise resource planning systems. These included data mining and ware housing of data. The increase of databases resulted in increasing the capacity of analysing by the e commerce applications. At present the e commerce includes a wide range of business activities. These activities include number of processes like e banking, offshore manufacturing and e logistics. The growth of the economies of the countries started to speed up when the industries in those countries used e commerce for the integration of their activities. The reason is that it speeded up the execution of transactions and deliver y and production of goods. In this paper the application and advantage of using e commerce for integrating the construction project management will be discussed. 2. E-Commerce in Construction Business Like any other business, the construction business involves the sales, purchase, cash and information transfer and transportation of goods. Along with the aforesaid topics, the process of tenders was also involved. All the above mentioned activities, transactions and processes involved in them can be speeded up by the integration using the e commerce applications. As the groceries are ordered online by customers, similarly the construction material also can be ordered online using e commerce applications. This is possible if the vendor of the construction material also have e commerce applications and using them. This entry of e commerce into number of sectors removed the barriers of selling in number of types of goods. This decreased the investment in establishment of showrooms for many small sized and big sized businesses and industries. As the usage of e commerce decrease the flow of customers to the showroom along with

Monday, August 26, 2019

Functional languages vs. imperative languages Essay

Functional languages vs. imperative languages - Essay Example Imperative languages are greatly influenced by the von Neumann architecture due to their high dependency on an instruction counter and a store. They have control structures, like for loops and while loops, which make incremental changes to the memory while iterating over instructions. Programs written in imperative languages are statement oriented, and their principle operation is the assignment of values to variables; in other words, computation is performed with side-effects (Lee 118). Unlike imperative languages, functional languages do not rely on the Von-Neumann architecture as they do not have any concern with variables but only data objects and values. The principle operation of functional languages is function application, and they treat functions as first-class objects that may be stored in data structures, passed as parameters, and returned as function results. Programs written in functional languages contain no variables, loop statements, and assignment statements, and use parameters and return values to communicate values; in other words, computation is performed with no side-effects (Lee 119). Imperative languages heavily rely on side-effects to implement their state and perform their operations. On the other hand, functional languages lack side-effects which allow them to always produce the same result when given with the same parameters. This characteristic of functional languages is called ‘referential transparency’ which makes the semantics of these languages far simpler than the semantics of imperative languages (Kedar and Thakare 6-4). In functional languages, the return value of the function can be of any data type including function type. But this is not possible in imperative languages; functions defined in imperative languages are restricted to return values of specific data types (Kedar and Thakare 6-4). Programs written

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Argument Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argument Assignment - Essay Example Speaking of the latter, there are campuses today that are experiencing problems brought about by crows. One of which would be that it serves as a distraction for students from class as crows bring fear to some while curiosity to others. Instead of listening in class, students tend to talk about crows and some just want to leave the room into a safer place. Second problem of which would be that some crows get into the food of the students and eat them. They also get into the cafeteria which may pose a threat to the cleanliness of the food being served. Third, some crows have the tendency of attacking kids when they think their actions are provoking or harming them. Lastly, the overall hygiene of the campus is being sacrificed because of the fecal matter that the crows drop along the hallways. This can again result to the increase of viruses that may result to sickness. With all these said, there is indeed a need to provide a solution for these very valid problems, that when not immediately acted upon would cause bigger problems for the school and its students. A good way to start solving this problem would be to set aside a fund that would allow the depopulation of crows. One of which would be to set up scare crows which will repel them from staying in the campuses. There is also a more practical way of visually repelling them such as by setting up mirrors in the area that when hit by the sun will reflect a light that will make it hard for crows to see. Indeed, though crow depopulation is not really a common problem that we would be familiarly spending money on, I strongly believe that funding a solution to it is a must. This is because the presence of crows in the campus has a lot of repercussions. First, it could affect the credibility and the effectiveness of the school towards the learning of students because they get distracted by them. If this happens, it would cost the school more to have these students transfer to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Trouble With The Terrorist Watch List Database Case Study

Trouble With The Terrorist Watch List Database - Case Study Example For example, airlines utilize information provided by the system of TSA in their lists of selectee and NoFly for passengers prescreening, whereas the customs of U.S and protection systems of borders utilize the watch list data to aid passengers entering the US. Efficient and effective management of data resources is increasingly crucial in this case. Similarly, no policy information has been created to demonstrate the rules of spreading, obtaining, standardizing, categorizing, and sharing information as well as information inventorying, (United States, 2008). Administration of data tends to be poor, and governance of data that would assist companies manages data availability, utility, security and integrity are poor. Government regulations would assist enhances privacy, quality of data, government compliance, and security of data. Additionally, quality of data audits and cleansing are extremely required to reduce the irregularities of number of records counts, number of duplicated r ecords, and number of records without data fields and clear origins. 2. Reasons for creation of consolidated terror watch list and the advantages of the list It was established in reaction to criticisms that various agencies of government were keeping separate lists and that such sectors had no consistent process of crucial information sharing about their people on each list of agency.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Origin of the Postal Rule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Origin of the Postal Rule - Essay Example Consequently, a general rule dictating the time of an efficient acceptance was required1. The postal rule was originally invented as an attempt to provide some form of assurance to an offeree acknowledging an offer through post. From the case of Adams v Lindsell [1818] the courts ruled that if the general rule concerning acceptance of an offer is applied to an acceptance sent by post, then an offeree would never truly be certain of the existence of an obligatory deal until the offeror confirms receipt of the letter of acceptance2. The postal rule was applied in this case since post was the singular way of communication. This assignment aims at critically discussing the postal rule its similarities to e-mail and whether it should be expanded to encompass modern modes of communication specially email3. Applicability of Postal Rule to E-mail At its instigation, the post was solely the only means of communication. The introduction of other modes of communication over the years, calls for expansion of the rule to include particularly email since it is the most commonly used method of settling deals. This rule should also extend include e-mail since e-mail is essentially a letter in electronic form. Moreover, at time of inception of the rule, post was expedient and fast; this true for e-mails today hence applicability of the rule to e-mail4. However, it is difficult to classify e-mail as either instantaneous or not since in some cases it may reach the recipient in a matter of seconds and delays are rare. On the other hand, it is common for mails to take longer to reach the recipient hence the postal rule may not stand at this point. Similarities of the Post and Email There are several comparisons between post and e-mail. Firstly, when an e-mail is sent from the sender’s outbox it cannot be recalled and this situation is similar to the postal rule5. Additionally, an e-mail is a digital comparable of a letter sent via post. All usual functions of postal mail hap pen through e-mail like advertising or invitations to treat (Partridge v Crittenden [1968]). Acceptance through e-mail remains unsettled by courts since there still exists uncertainties on the subjects of offer and reception related to the development of e-mail based contracts. In this case, there are different points of acceptance. It could be the moment when thee e-mail departs from the sender’s outbox, the instant it gets into the recipients inbox, when it is collected from the server or when it is read. This is also analogous to the postal rule as it is not clear when an acceptance is made. In the postal rule an acceptance is binding when the acceptor puts it in the mail box for return mail to the offeror not considering whether it reaches him/her. Since the establishment of the postal rule in the 1800s, several other means of communication have come up. This includes telephone, telegraph, email and facsimile. Both the post and email are both used as avenues of communicat ion since the message/information is delivered finally regardless of the time taken to deliver the message. Another similarity is the greeting cards. When email was first introduced, it did not have things like greeting cards. At the time, only the postal service did. Nowadays, greeting cards can be sent via email and may even come with sounds and songs`. In both

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay The relationship between Pip, Estella, and Jaggers is going through much growth throughout the story. Pips and Estellas relationship is very similar to as when Pip was just a common boy, and there is not much hope for the relationship to become real. Jaggers also has and will have much influence on the lives of Pip and Estella. The relationship between Pip and Estella is not getting much better and there is not much hope in it, the main reason being that Estella still treats Pip the same as when he was just a common boy. Estella explains that she has no heart and cannot feel emotions, which is from the quote You must know, said Estella, that I have no heart -if that has anything to do with my memory (223). Estella, because she says she has no heart, will not have any feelings for Pip even if she grows to be a gentleman. This shows how there is not much hope in their relationship, because Estella will never have love for Pip. Estella also still calls Pip boy which is shown from the quote You silly boy, said Estella quote composedly, how can you talk such nonsense (248)? Estella still calls Pip boy, as if he was just a common boy, even though he has become more a gentleman. This shows how Estellas attitude for Pip has not changed and probably will not change, which does not bring much hope to their relationship. Another example is when Estella allows Pip to kiss her, just like she did before; shown from the quote Will you never take warning? Or do you kiss my hand in the same spirit in which I once let you kiss my cheek (250)? Pip responds by kissing her, and this shows how Pip is only allowed to kiss her when she tells him he can, even though he has become a gentleman. Their relationship has not seemed to become better because of this, and almost seems as if they are puppets, only doing what Miss Havisham wants them to do. Pips and Estellas relationship overtime has not improved because of Estellas view that Pip will always just be a common boy to her, and another reason being that she says she does not have a heart. Jaggers has and will have much influence on the lives of Pip and Estella in different ways. One way he has influenced Pips life is by becoming his guardian and fulfilling many of his needs, such as in the quote Ill go round presently, and pay our friend off (228). Pip said he does not like  Orlick working at Miss Havishams, so Jaggers pays him off. This has influenced his life by allowing him to think that he could get anything he wants, now that he is wealthier and has Jaggers, who is a powerful man in society. Another way Jaggers has influenced Pip is by giving him advice on which tutor to pick, shown in the quote I dont recommend him, observe; because I never recommend anybody. The gentleman I speak of is one Mr. Matthew Pocket (130). Jaggers has influenced Pips life by suggesting a suitable tutor, who Pip becomes very good friends with. Estellas life has been influenced by Jaggers, one way being that he did something so now they feel an awkward presence towards each other. This is shown at when they are at Miss Havishams estate having dinner, where they avoid making eye contact with each other. Jaggers is a very influential man to Pip and Estella, which impacts both of them in many ways. The relationship between Pip, Estella, and Jaggers is going through great changes and growth. Pips and Estellas relationship throughout the story has mainly stayed the same, as Estella has no care for a serious relationship and treats Pip like he was still a commoner. Even though Estella discourages the relationship, Pip wants to be in one with her even more. Jaggers influence on Pip has grown as he has much influence on him by giving him advice as his guardian.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Three Gorges Dam Essay Example for Free

Three Gorges Dam Essay Do you consider the Three Gorges Dam to have been a good thing or a bad thing is it a success or a failure? In my opinion i believe the Three Gorges Dam is a success, simply because of the millions of lives it will save, by ? ood control. Having said that, the Three Gorges Dam does have many negative aspects. The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze river in Sandouping, Hubei province, China. It is the largest hydroelectric power station in the world. Construction began in December 1994 and the dam was fully operational by the late 2011, its a costly situation as it cost $26 billion. The dam was built for three main reasons; to produce clean electricity, to control ? ooding and to improve shipping along the Yangtze. Resettlement is one of the greatest negative effects of the dam, around 1. 4 million people have had to move because their villages and towns have been lost beneath the rising waters. However, one of the most worrying consequences of the project has been the sharp increase in landslides around the dam. These landslides are being caused by the huge weight of water behind the dm and ? uctuations in the water level. The reservoir has already collapsed in 91 places and a total of 36km have caved in. The Three Gorges Dam also has a devastating impact on the environment; of the 3,000 to 4,000 remaining Siberian Crane, a large number currently spend the winter in wetlands that have been destroyed by the dam. The Dam also contributed to the extinction of the Yangtze river dolphin. In addition, populations of the Yangtze sturgeon are guaranteed to be negatively affected by the dam. Many people will bene? t from the Three Gorges Dam. Massive economic growth will be allowed by the new navigable waterways along the Yangtze which will provide mass transit of raw materials to the area. This combined with the signi? antly reduced transportations costs provides an attractive location for industry seeking a cheap labour force. In addition, and most importantly ? ood control; it will have a ? ood capacity of 22. 15 billion m , which will be suf? cient to control the greatest ? ood experienced in the past 100 years. It will protect 1,500,000 hectares of farmland and the lives and property of 15 million people. Another incredible factor of this dam, is power generation; the amount of energy produced by the hydroelectric turbines is 84. 6 billion kilowatt hours which is equivalent of 18 nuclear power stations. Tourism also developed greatly, the China Three Gorges Dam Project Corporation built the Tanziling to enable visitors to see the panorama of Three Gorges from the highest point. More than 800,000 tourists visited the Three Gorges Dam area in 2007, with tourism revenue of $15. 6 million. On the one hand, the Three Gorges Dam is a very costly situation and has many negative aspects especially on the environment but on the other hand the Three Gorges Dam has the potential to save the lives and property of 15 million people, therefore i strongly believe that the dam is a success.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History Of Homelessness In America

History Of Homelessness In America Homelessness is a social problem that relates to the condition of people without a regular private house and shelter. People passing through social issue of homelessness are most often not capable to obtain and preserve standard, harmless, protected, and satisfactory accommodation, or lack fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence. There is no standard definition of homelessness and it differs from region to region, or among different entities or institutions in the same country or region. The scope of homeless is vary vast and it also comprise people whose prime night-time dwelling is in a homeless shelter, a warming center, a domestic violence shelter, cardboard boxes or other informal housing situation. In USA people also are covered under homeless record and are included in research studies who sleep in a public or private place not intended for use as an expected sleeping place for human beings. From different researches its predicted that almost 100 million people acros s globe were homeless in 2005. In western regions and areas of world the large majority of homeless are men (75-80%) (Culhane and Associates, 2012). History of Homelessness in America: Homelessness is not a contemporary issue it is predicted that it is found in American society in the early ages of 1640. In early history the homelessness was related to moral issue and obligation and people who were homeless visit town to town to prove their worth but in recent era it is more related to a social problem. People who are homeless are facing severe issue is contemporary world related to health and social initiatives. Homelessness can be caused from several perspectives. From different researches it is depicted that the most common caused behind homelessness are industrialization, wars, natural disasters, racial inequalities, medical problems, character flaws, etc. industrial revolution started in 1820s. This gives rise to migrations of people from rural areas to urban areas that give rise to the main causes of homelessness because of job searches and earn living standard. Violent crimes also started because of this migration and sudden rise in population. The policies at that time also lead to devastating issues relating death and mental illness because of homelessness. The major rise was faced in 1850s when most parents send their young children to remain independent because of rise in cost of living, this give rise to adults homelessness. The civil wars also give rise to homelessness in 1890s most people were homeless because of several causes from the civil war destructions. Another most important cause relates back to natural disasters i.e. Earthquake, fires, and Droughts caused in 1920s and 30s. The causes give rise to poverty and thus people lack support to build their houses. The income level drops because of increased population and unemployment which also moved society towards increase rate of homeless people. The financial crisis recently gives rise to more destructive situation that leads towards enhanced homelessness problem. The contemporary homelessness can be seen in surrounding that many children, youth, and old age people are hom eless (Culhane, 2008). Causes of Homelessness: Different researches are done to find the main causes that lead to homelessness. The causes can be categorized into three areas that are personal, structural, and homeless peoples own causes. Personal Issues: There are several personal and social factors that lead to homelessness. The common factors are outlined below: Individual factors: like drug abuse, character flaws, lacking qualifications, debts, no social support, poor health regarding mental and physical conditions, peer relations of bad company. Family factors: disputes and family conflicts, physical and sexual abuse while adulthood and family background of homelessness. Institutional factors: living in foster care, as prisoner, and employed in armed forces. Structural Issues: There are several social and economic problems that cause this homelessness. Some common causes are outlined below: Unemployment Poverty Lack of affordability Policies relating housing Structure of housing benefits Wide policy development relating hospitality and criminal issues Homeless People Views: The three main reasons identified through reviewing opinions of homeless people about their reasons of leaving home are family and peers pressures to leave them, relationship disputes and violence at home, loss of temporary dwelling (Dr. Lynn et al., 2006). Problems faced by Homeless People: There are several risks that are associated with people who are passing through state of homelessness. The problems can be categorized as basic and devastating. The problems are outlined below: Lacking personal security, silence, and privacy, especially for sleeping Lacking safekeeping of bedding, clothing and possessions, which may have to be carried at all times Lacking facilities for hygiene No place for cleaning and drying clothes Lacking affordability to acquire, prepare, and store food No social contacts because of no permanent location or mailing address Antagonism and lawful authorities against metropolitan poverty. Compact admittance to health care and dental services. Little or no access to education. Increased jeopardy of affliction from violence and abuse. Common denial or intolerance from other people. Loss of accustomed relationships and association with the mainstream Lacking qualification for employment. Reduced access to banking services because of lacking collateral Reduced access to communications technology (Echenberg Jensen, 2009). Assistance and Resources for Homeless People: Many researches relating homelessness and homeless people have diverted the attention of government and other institutions to support and fund the needs of the homeless people. Many countries run the assistance programs for the homeless people and provide them with food, shelter, and clothing and sometimes most augmented services. Many non-government organizations also run support programs with help of funding from volunteers. Social support is provided by homeless people to other homeless people. They run their own community and support one another in different needs. Formal assistant is also provided through government, religious organizations, charities, other ministries. Many organizations are working to provide income support through employment opportunities like street newspapers selling. Other income sources are through employing little works like playing music, performing magic and other arts. Many homeless people commit little crimes to be jailed to have food and shelter for some days (Foweler et al., 2009). Refuges for Homeless: There are many refuges that are used by homeless people to be used as temporary place for shelter and sleep. Some common refuges are outlined below: Sleeping bags Tent Cardboard box Abandoned buildings Cars and trucks Wagons and other public vehicles Parks, pavement, and bus stations Train tunnels etc. Proposed Solutions for Homeless: Housing First / Rapid Re-housing: Many governments are taking steps to eliminate the homelessness. The USA government asked almost every state and city to enhance the standard of living of homeless people. the 10 years plans are planned and are in process to be implemented to eliminate the homelessness and one of the results of this was a Housing first solution, also known as rapid re-housing. These policies facilitate quickly to get a homeless person permanent housing of some sort and the necessary support services to maintain and hold a new home. There are many impediments of this kind of program and there must be solutions to augment these programs to make such an initiative work successfully in the middle to long term. Supportive housing: Supportive housing is a related to provide the basic necessities to the homeless people. It is the combination of housing and services proposed in a cost-effective way to facilitate and support needy people live more stable and productive lives. Supportive housing provides special programs for those who are in most challenging situations. The audiences for this program are individuals and families confronted with homelessness and who also have very low incomes. It also has increases coverage and scope and therefore incorporates substance abuse, addiction or alcoholism, mental illness, HIV/AIDS, or other serious challenges to a standard and productive life. Pedestrian Villages: Many researchers are proposed several solutions to enhance the lives of homeless people. The most common solution proposed is relating notorious national solution for homelessness that would engross building nearly carefree Pedestrian Villages. This policy and solution is termed as the current Band-Aid approach to the problem. Example of this policy is Tiger Bay Village that was proposed to create caring society for homeless people. This policy states that this program and support would be better-quality for indulgence the psychological as well as psychiatric needs of both temporarily and permanently homeless adults. This policy was based on the cost-effective solution thus aimed to provide opportunities and support and cost less than the current approach. This policy also enhanced the homeless people living by moving them away from criminal acts to take shelter in prisons. Work opportunities are also provided and constitute construction and maintenance of the villages. It also focus es on the creation of work force agencies that help to make the villages financially and socially feasible and practical. Transitional housing: Transitional Housing endows with impermanent housing for the certain audience of the homeless population. The target group constitutes of working class of homeless people who are on verge of setting up to changeover their residents into enduring and inexpensive housing. It is not a temporary shelter house for homeless but typically a room or apartment in a habitation with support services. The intermediary time can be short ranging from 1 to 2 years and in that time the person must file for and get permanent housing and usually some gainful employment or income, even if Social Security or assistance. From time to time the transitional housing habitation program incriminates a room and board fee that can be a standard percentage of an individuals income. This fee is sometimes partially or fully refunded after the person acquires a permanent place to live in. In the USA centralized financial support for transitional housing programs was originally allocated in the McKinney act (Cohelen , 1997). Conclusions: The above study is based on the research work of other authors. The report started with the introduction to the homelessness relative to its broad meanings and is then proceed to the history, causes and underlying factors. The solutions are also provided to help states and countries to make remediation for the enhanced livings of homeless people and move them to productive life. The problem of homelessness is traced back to late history and is not a contemporary issue. There are several factors and underlying causes of homelessness out of which family conflicts and disruptions are rated as high. The issues that are faced by homeless people vary in range from more basic lacking facilities to higher levels of physical and mental destructions and illness. Many organizations along with governments are working to provide facilities and support the homeless people. Many volunteers are also working to augment the lives of homeless people by proving them with food, shelter, and clothing along with health facilities. Many support programs are also planned to support and facilitate the homeless people. Some common programs processed are housing fund and re-housing, transition housing support, and pedestrian villages.

Graduation Speech: Mom and Dad, Your Babies Have Grown Up! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

The year 2012 is as unique as our class that’s graduating within it. As the Class of 2012, we should be prepared to answer questions about the things that make us unique. Our children will revisit this historic year through their text books, their TV reruns and our own high school keepsakes which we have held on to over the years. With all this attention will come questions from our children, questions like: "Hey dad, what’s an email?" Or, "What's Facebook?" As our yearbooks are taken from our shelves and our photo albums are cracked open once again, our kids will certainly be curious to ask: — Hey dad, was your hair blond all through high school? As our kids rummage through our old boxes of high school stuff there will be questions like: — Weren’t you supposed to return this library book? It looks like you haven’t even cracked the cover." Or, — Where did these 10 parking tickets come from? I thought there was a parking lot at County High." The year 2012 has been anticipated since 1997, when our mothers and fathers looked at us as newborns and said, "Hey, our baby is going to graduate in the year 2012." Well, Mom and Dad, your babies have grown up! This is a special date and an exciting time of our lives, and as we move into this next stage let us never forget the experiences that we have had. I encourage everyone to appreciate not only the uniqueness of our generation but the uniqueness of others. As we go our separate ways, embrace diversity, meet new people, and listen to different perspectives.

Monday, August 19, 2019

George Bizek :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Georges Bizet, who is best known for his opera, Carmen, has remained somewhat of a mystery as far as his musical education, social life, and personal life. He is not like so many other composers and musicians of the Romantic Period who led a highly publicized life like Hector Berlioz, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, or Johannes Brahms. He spent his short life devoted to music and he did not quite make it into the limelight like these other Romantic composers. The most believable explanation for his obscurity would be the lack of scandal in his life. He had a happy childhood, was well awarded with musical scholarships, and a happy marriage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Georges Bizet grew up in a musical house. His father was a singing teacher and his mother was a well-known pianist who had attended the Paris Conservatory. His parents encouraged him in music. His father was confident that his son would become a great musician. His father was actually too supportive of his musical education. He had been known to hide young Georges' other school books so he would not be distracted from his musical studies. He received his first music lesson from his mother when he was just four years old. She was teaching him to read music at the same time she was teaching him his alphabet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bizet was enrolled in the Paris Conservatory when he was nine years old. This was a special exception arranged by his uncle who taught at the Conservatory, since Bizet was still a year younger than the minimum age requirement. Here he studied piano, organ, singing, harp, strings, woodwinds, and composition. His instructors were the composers Charles Gounod, who is known for his opera Faust, and who is considered the greatest musical influence in Bizet's life. And Jacque Halevy, who wrote the opera LaJuive, is also considered an important musical influence. He had a unique, unstructured teaching style. Halevy would listen to and correct his students but he would never require them to do any specific types of composition. This was to affect Bizet throughout his life as he would be known to start and abandon work after work. This was blamed directly on Halevy's lack of discipline. At age fifteen, Halevy tried to convince Bizet to go and compete for the Prix de Rome. Bizet refused sighting his immaturity and need for additional background.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During his time as a student he wrote Symphony in C Major (1855), which was not performed during Bizet's lifetime, but from it's first performance in 1935 it has become an established symphony in a standard repertoire. George Bizek :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Georges Bizet, who is best known for his opera, Carmen, has remained somewhat of a mystery as far as his musical education, social life, and personal life. He is not like so many other composers and musicians of the Romantic Period who led a highly publicized life like Hector Berlioz, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, or Johannes Brahms. He spent his short life devoted to music and he did not quite make it into the limelight like these other Romantic composers. The most believable explanation for his obscurity would be the lack of scandal in his life. He had a happy childhood, was well awarded with musical scholarships, and a happy marriage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Georges Bizet grew up in a musical house. His father was a singing teacher and his mother was a well-known pianist who had attended the Paris Conservatory. His parents encouraged him in music. His father was confident that his son would become a great musician. His father was actually too supportive of his musical education. He had been known to hide young Georges' other school books so he would not be distracted from his musical studies. He received his first music lesson from his mother when he was just four years old. She was teaching him to read music at the same time she was teaching him his alphabet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bizet was enrolled in the Paris Conservatory when he was nine years old. This was a special exception arranged by his uncle who taught at the Conservatory, since Bizet was still a year younger than the minimum age requirement. Here he studied piano, organ, singing, harp, strings, woodwinds, and composition. His instructors were the composers Charles Gounod, who is known for his opera Faust, and who is considered the greatest musical influence in Bizet's life. And Jacque Halevy, who wrote the opera LaJuive, is also considered an important musical influence. He had a unique, unstructured teaching style. Halevy would listen to and correct his students but he would never require them to do any specific types of composition. This was to affect Bizet throughout his life as he would be known to start and abandon work after work. This was blamed directly on Halevy's lack of discipline. At age fifteen, Halevy tried to convince Bizet to go and compete for the Prix de Rome. Bizet refused sighting his immaturity and need for additional background.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   During his time as a student he wrote Symphony in C Major (1855), which was not performed during Bizet's lifetime, but from it's first performance in 1935 it has become an established symphony in a standard repertoire.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Air Pressure effects the Speed of Falling objects :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Research An object that is falling through the atmosphere is subjected to two external forces. The first force is the gravitational force, expressed as the weight of the object. The weight equation which is weight (W) = mass (M) x gravitational acceleration (A) which is 9.8 meters per square second on the surface of the earth. The gravitational acceleration decreases with the square of the distance from the center of the earth. If the object were falling in a vacuum, this would be the only force acting on the object. But in the atmosphere, the motion of a falling object is opposed by the air resistance or drag. The drag equation tells us that drag is equal to a coefficient times one half the air density (R) times the velocity (V) squared times a reference area on which the drag coefficient is based. The motion of a falling object can be described by Newton's second law of motion, Force = mass x acceleration. Do a little algebra and solve for the acceleration of the object in terms of the net external force and the mass of the object (acceleration = Force / mass). The net external force is equal to the difference between the weight and the drag forces (Force = Weight - Drag). The acceleration of the object then becomes acceleration = (Weight - Drag) / mass. The drag force depends on the square of the velocity. So as the body accelerates, its velocity (and the drag) will increase. It will reach a point where the drag is exactly equal to the weight. When drag is equal to weight, there is no net external force on the object, and the acceleration will become equal to zero. The object will then fall at a constant velocity as described by Newton's first law of motion. The constant velocity is called the terminal velocity. What is aerodynamics? The word comes from two Greek words aerios concerning the air, and dynamis, meaning powerful. Aerodynamics is the study of forces and the resulting motion of objects through the air. Humans have been interested in aerodynamics and flying for thousands of years, although flying in a heavier-than-air machine has been possible only in the last hundred years. Aerodynamics affects the motion of a large airliner, a model rocket, a beach ball thrown near the shore, or a kite flying high overhead. The curve ball thrown by big league baseball pitchers gets its curve from aerodynamics.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kodak and Digital Revolution Essay

In 1976 Kodak controlled 90% of the film market and 85% of camera sales in the United States. By 1992 the share of film market decreased by 5%. In 1991 they launched the first professional digital camera. In 1998 they spent $1. 2 billion to two joint ventures with the Chinese government and by 1999 became number two in digital cameras in the United States with a 27% market share. In 2001it launched â€Å"Where it all clicks† theme to stimulate digital imaging and in 2002 launched the first mass-market product for digital film processing. By 2003 they controlled most photofinishing transaction in the United States with 15% unprofitable digital camera market. Digital imaging was a disruptive technology that was emerging in early 80’s and Kodak got blind sighted by its extreme focus on existing customers and their needs. They followed a customer focus strategy instead of taking digital imaging as a disruptive innovation. Their focus was to provide products that its existing clients want in a cost effective manner. Kodak’s strategy for digital imaging has been way off and its first digital product, the â€Å"Photo CD† which was a failure. It couldn’t leverage upon world’s first electronic image sensor that they launched earlier that was widely used by computer industry worldwide. They used all strategies to the disposal but its timing was way off. They used Radical to incremental innovation an example is their digital photography compared to Sony’s Then their strategy shifted from convergence of digital and film based imaging to selling hardware such as digital cameras and printers by alliancing with computer and electronic industry. This strategy also failed as competition was too fierce by 1995 and profit margins shrunk. Then strategy was changed to picture business and network consumables with at least 50% market share. These strategies were based to the changing market needs and competition especially from Fuji films Kodak is a showcase for failing to innovate; they missed the digital revolution because they were focused on protecting its core business, traditional photographic film. The reality is different, though. Kodak was in fact one of the first companies to have worked on digital imaging it’s not that they were ignoring the digital revolution! Today, Kodak is still leading digital imaging, as the company holds many patents in this field that are used in products such as HP printers. The painful Kodak factory closures that one can see nowadays are nothing but the price to pay to transition from one era to the other, from the era when Kodak was a chemist to an era when it is a software company. For all its mistakes, Kodak is doing what few companies have been able to do. Lessons Learned No doubt, Kodak was victim of the innovator’s dilemma. The most immediate takeaway from the fall of Kodak is clear: Don’t be afraid to cannibalize your own business in the name of progress. But Kodak’s inability to make any of its products stand out over the last decade is demonstrative of an overall reluctance to innovate.

Friday, August 16, 2019

A Critical Appreciation of Frost’s ‘The Oven Bird’

The Oven Bird is a pessimistic sonnet. The octave seems to describe mid-summer and how it is past its best. Whereas the sestet, which is marked by a rhyming couplet, brings a change, as Frost looks toward what will come in the future, and how to live with a life that is past its best. The bird sings ‘Loud' and predicts the inevitability of mid-summer turning into fall. Gloomy descriptions are used even though it's the middle of summer and everything should be bright and cheerful, ‘he says that leaves are old and that for flowers/ Mid-summer is to spring as one to ten'. The endstop after ‘ten', makes the fact that there are not as many flowers in summer as there are in spring, very definite and quite blunt. Even though winter is along way off, lots of nature is already past its best: The early petal-fall is past, When pear and cherry bloom went down in showers On sunny days a moment overcast The speaker constantly focuses on the shadows, although it is only a ‘moment', so much destruction seems to happen in it. While it's still mid-summer, the bird is already anticipating fall as he says ‘and comes that other fall we name the fall'. Perhaps in this poem Frost is talking about Darwin. The oven bird could be used to represent Darwin. Frost says ‘there is a singer everyone has heard'. Around the time Frost was writing, Darwin was teaching his theory, he was famous and everyone had heard of him. By placing ‘loud' at the beginning of the line and putting a comma after it, Frost focuses on this word, emphasising that Darwin is shouting and telling everyone about his theory. Frost then goes onto say the bird ‘makes the solid tree trunks sound again'. This could possibly be Darwin questioning all and bringing a new uncertainty to life. If we continue with the Darwin idea, perhaps when Frost refers to ‘that other fall we name the fall', he is referring to Adam and Eve and the fall of mankind. This is then followed by the bird saying ‘the highway dust is overall'. Read also Critical appreciation of the poem â€Å"Old Ladies’ Home†. The highway might represent mans progress and new scientific knowledge and how this now covers everything, nature and religion. Frost says, ‘the bird would cease and be as other birds/ but that he knows in singing not to sing'. I think this could mean that the bird is not as exuberant as other birds in spring, but he sings in mid-summer and knows the future isn't necessarily something to look forward to. With Darwin's new theory, the old certainty has been taken away and replaced by something new and radical that makes the future unsettling. The poem finishes on an unsure note as Frost says, ‘The question that he frames in all but words/ is what to make of a diminished thing'. Frost might be saying that, although life is past its best, like summer, how can we make the most of it? This is very characteristic of Frost's poetry, with Frost leaving the reader to make their own interpretation and decide for themselves. Although the tone of the last two lines is elegiac and ‘diminished thing' sounds very negative, Frost also asks ‘what to make' of it and this sounds more positive as though this is just a new, exciting challenge to face. The Oven Bird is also similar to Frost's other poetry because he uses nature to put across an idea. The Oven Bird is an unusual sonnet, Frost uses an old, accepted poetry style to express these new and bold ideas, the unconventional rhyme scheme also helps to emphasise these new ideas. This is another quality of Frost, to take a certain style of poetry and make it his own.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Deceit and Sexual Women’s Sexual Sins in Dante’s Inferno

Dante’s representations of women and feminine sexuality in the Inferno show contrasts within the various natures of women and their sexuality. His era’s vision of the perfect woman one that idealized beauty, passiveness and purity is represented by his life long love Beatrice. This ideal and its representation in Beatrice are contrasted with the dark depictions of women, their sexual sins, devious devices, and evil act, which Dante encounters in hell. This paper will argue that the severity of condemnation in hell for women’s sexual sins is related to the increasing degrees of deceit. Dante’s perspective of the evil side of femininity becomes apparent from the opening of the inferno. Dante, in midlife, strays from his path into a â€Å"dark wood,† where he is able to see a bright mountain. In his quest to reach his goal, he is thwarted and driven deeper into the wood by the ravenous and promiscuous she-wolf described as â€Å"She tracks down all, kills all and knows no glut, but, feeding she grows hungrier than she was. She mates with any beast† Canto1, lines 92-95 [i] The she-wolf portrays the worst characteristics of women; she reflects lust, pride and avarice. These traits and characteristics are a foreshadowing of the sins possessed by the many women whom Dante will later encounter. This monster is contrasted by Dante’s feminine ideal, his true love Beatrice. She reflects a divine love sent by the purest of women, the Virgin Mary, and even asks Virgil to guide Dante through the hell. Her motivation is clear â€Å"It is I Beatrice, who send you to him I come from the blessed height for which I yearn. Love called me here. Canto 2 lines 70-73[ii] It is her love that provides Dante with the courage to move through Hell and onto the path of God’s light. In many ways, she is his personal savior. Divine, virginal and pure in nature, Beatrice is the perfect woman and all feminine creatures or monsters within Hell are her contrasting antitheses. In the second circle, that of â€Å"the carnal† or lustful we find various famous lovers from throughout history buffeted about in a whirlwind of an endless storm. â€Å"And this, I learned, was the never ending flight Of this who sinned the flesh, the carnal and lusty Who betrayed reason to their appetite. Canto 5, 37-40 [iii] The women condemned to this level of hell knowingly lived their lives in tempestuous adultery and in whirlwind romances, deceiving the men in their lives. When Dante asks who is condemned here, Virgil mentions famous lovers from throughout history. For instance, Virgil mentions first the Empress Semiramis, the perverse Assyrian queen who legalized incest in her kingdom[iv] :â€Å"Lust and law were her one decree† Canto 5, 57[v] There as well are the adulter ers Cleopatra, Helen (of Troy), and Dido, the Carthaginian queen who, when jilted by her love, commits suicide[vi],[vii]. The overwhelming impression given by the emphasis on women is that they are deceitful and at fault in these relationships. It is as if the men were simply swept along like dry leaves by the wind of lust or love. Dante then speaks to two lovers there called Francesca da Rimini and her brother in-law Paolo Malatesta, illicit lovers murdered by Gianciotto Malatesta Francesca’s husband. [viii] They explain that they fell in love reading the story of Lancelot and Guinevere, which was so romantic that they developed feelings for one another. They present themselves as victims of the love’s trials, but there is more to this story than what they contest, for the marriage of Francesca to her husband was necessitated as a peace pact between two warring clans- the Rimini and the Ravina[ix]. The traditional story is that the wedding was arranged, and the handsome and dashing Paulo was initially used to deceive her from learning the identity of the true spouse, Gianciotto â€Å"the cripple,† but on the wedding night, Francesca learns the truth. On their deaths Paulo was a fifty-year old father of two sons and Francesca was a mother of a nine year old daughter[x]. This love was clearly more than a moment of weakness or a whirlwind romance because it clearly was a lengthy affair. The start of this relationship was based on deception and they may believe that this is a sin of love, and they would be naively deceiving themselves by accepting little to no responsibility for their actions. Their greatest desire in life was to be together in a whirlwind love; ironically, this has become their fate. Dante the pilgrim moves on through the layers of hell, seeing or meeting other women who represent other degrees of sin. Entering the eighth circle of hell, the circle of frau, in Canto 18, he enters the second malebolige of this level, reserved for the flatters. Here, he sees a woman scratching and scraping herself while she swims in a grotesque pool of excrement. Virgil informs him that: â€Å"It is the whore Thaius who told her lover When he sent to ask her, ‘Do you thank me much? ’ ‘Much? Nay, past all believing! Canto 18 lines 131-133[xi] Thais once was a beautiful courtesan, but she was a woman of degraded sexuality, who prostituted herself with both her body and her speech. She was a whore, who teased, seduced and sold herself to many men for her own gains. Her greatest sin that consigned her to wallow in this pool of feces, deeper in hell than the forlorn lovers, was not her pandering of bodily desires, but her intentional deceit through the â€Å"prostit ution of words†[xii]. She was a victim of the salacious flattery she offered her lovers the while among the living. More sinful than her exploitation of men through sex without love was the overwhelming and ridiculously insincere compliments that she gave men; those lies are now represented by the feces in which she exists. In one of the deepest pits of the underworld, as Dante moves through the eighth circle of hell and the tenth malebolige, he moves through the pit of falsifiers and the evil impersonators. There, he encounters Myrrha, the mother of Adonis. She is running about, much like an insane, vampiric beast, pale, naked and unclean, snapping her teeth as she runs by. Virgil tells him that â€Å"that ancient shade in time above Was Myrrha, vicious daughter of Cinyras Who loved her father with more than rightful love. he falsified another’s form and came Disguised to sin with him just as that other Who runs with her in order that he might claim The fabulous lead-mare† Canto 30 lines 37-43[xiii] Myrrha is dammed in one of the deepest pits of hell for her incestuous relationship with her father, King Cinyras. Her intentional betrayal of her father the king, through her disguise as another lover to seduce her father, is a premeditated act of sexual treachery. This disturbingly lustful act of deceit leaves her pursuing flesh, much like she did her father in life. The corrupt world of Dante’s Inferno allows sinners to get a perverted version of what they sought through out their lives. Dante’s true love, Beatrice, is a pure and virginal woman, which is a contrast to the women committed to hell. The depths of hell that these women are condemned to for their sexual sins are the result of the deceit with which they acted. The more deceitful and heinous the act or treachery, the more severe the punishment and the deeper that woman is in hell.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

An analysis of hamlets philosophy of life and death in William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay

Dylan Thomas once wrote â€Å"And death shall have no dominion†. William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, is a provocative play that portrays how a young prince struggles with his philosophy of life and death after the death of his father. Hamlet, the prince, has trouble overcoming his father’s passing as he also has to deal with its aftermath. The first problem Hamlet has to deal with is his mother Gertrude’s marriage to the newly appointed king, Hamlet’s uncle Claudius. Hamlet is disgusted by this, seeing it as â€Å"incestuous†(Shakespeare 1. 2.162) and begins to contemplate suicide as an alternative to dealing with his problems. His strong angst toward the newly weds grows even more acute when Hamlet is visited by his father’s ghost and becomes aware that Claudius murdered his father. With this, he continues to struggle, asking himself which is easier, â€Å"to be or not to be†(3. 1. 64). After this, Hamlet’s outlook on life and death is continually changing due to a series of events until he comes to the conclusion that people should â€Å"let be†(5. 2. 238) because â€Å"there’s a divinity that shapes our ends†(5. 2.11). Thus, through Hamlet, Shakespeare presents the idea that there is a greater power shaping everyone’s lives and no matter what life throws at people, they must persevere and let events play out as fate is in control. Hamlet has a very bleak outlook on life at the beginning of the play. He is very emotional about his father’s death and feels as though his mother and uncle’s marriage is â€Å"less than kind†(1. 2. 67). Hamlet finds the death of his father very personal and is greatly bothered by the fact that everyone is faking their sadness instead of mourning properly. Furthermore, not only are others not mourning, Gertrude and Claudius have the audacity to tell Hamlet to stop mourning as â€Å"all that lives must die†(1. 2. 74). This is the first issue that leads Hamlet to debate if suicide would â€Å"resolve†(1. 2. 134) the problems he is dealing with. He sees death as a way to relieve himself from his earthly problems, but realizes he will be damned to hell if he commits suicide, as it is a mortal sin. Thus, Hamlet is discouraged by all the untimely events that seem to come another the other and they seem to overwhelm hi. Hamlet’s pessimistic view on life is again seen the night that he and his friend Horatio go to find the ghost of Hamlet’s father. As they are waiting, Hamlet tells Horatio how he believes everyone is born with a â€Å"vicious mole of nature†(1. 4. 27) that with â€Å"o’ergrowth†(1. 4. 30) causes people to be victims of fate. Even if a person is genuinely â€Å"pure†(1. 4. 36), if their tragic flaw is unchecked, even the smallest amount of blemish the will cause them to lose their â€Å"reason†(1. 4. 31) and corrupt all their other virtues. This short, but rich passage again display’s his pessimistic view on life, as he believes that a person’s fate is unavoidable. Hamlet’s ideas on life and death appear to become less pessimistic after he encounters his father’s ghost. At first, Hamlet is troubled as to whether the ghost is Satan or actually his father’s â€Å"spirit†(1. 4. 44), but follows he the ghost anyways. He does this because he wants to believe it is his â€Å"father’(1. 4. 50) and does not think following will risk his life or cause any harm to his â€Å"soul†(1. 4. 74). Hamlet not wanting to risk his life displays how even though he wants to disappear, he still values his life. After Hamlet decides to â€Å"follow†(1. 4. 97) the ghost, the spirit reveals that he is the dead kind and he is in purgatory because Claudius murdered him. This means that Hamlet has to avenge his father’s death and so he makes an oath of vengeance, that he will kill Claudius to right his father’s murder. This new goal gives Hamlet a reason to live, but because he believes he was â€Å"born to set it right†(1. 5. 211), he implies that after he does the deed, his life will be complete and he will die. Hamlet’s new philosophy is guided by the oath of vengeance, as it gives him a purpose in life, but a self-destructive one. Although Hamlet finds a new purpose in his life, Shakespeare continues to show how Hamlet’s outlook on life is far from positive. While talking to two old friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet acknowledges that he feels like he is in â€Å"prison†(2. 2. 267). In the literal sense, Hamlet feels trapped in his home with Claudius, being the murderer of his father, and his mother abandoning him for that â€Å"adulterate beast†(1.5. 53). On a deeper level, Hamlet is trapped within his own thoughts, as he is constantly struggling with suicidal thoughts and is also burdened with figuring out how to avenge his father. He continues to see the world as a â€Å"foul†(2. 2. 326) place and finds others â€Å"a piece of work†(2. 2. 327). This shows how Hamlet’s pessimistic view of the world is still overwhelming, despite his newfound reason to live. Hamlet’s fatalistic view on life develops even further as he seriously contemplates suicide once again. The â€Å"question†(3. 1. 64) he ponders is whether it is more noble to â€Å"suffer†(3. 1. 65) through life or to end life’s hardships by killing oneself. He comes to the conclusion that he wants â€Å"to die†(3. 1. 72), but realizes that just like â€Å"sleep†(3. 1. 72), death is not the end of all hardships. Hamlet is aware that suicide leads to damnation. It is this and the uncertainty of what comes â€Å"after death†(3. 1. 86) that scares Hamlet and makes him less enthusiastic about death. Furthermore, he observes that the more he thinks about death, the more cowardly he becomes and the less he wants to kill himself. Therefore, Hamlet’s desire to kill himself is not great enough for him to follow through with it, as the thoughts to what comes after death scares him too much. Even though Hamlet chooses life over death, he still does not find life pleasant and wishes he could just disappear. Hamlet started off with a very bleak look on life and a skeptical view on death, but when Hamlet is talking to Horatio, readers can see him start to change his outlook to be less pessimistic. He has seriously contemplated the worth of living twice and even though he has found new meaning to his life, he still wants to cease to exist. It is all of this that leads Hamlet to anticipate his death during a conversation he has with Horatio. It is here that Hamlet thanks Horatio from the bottom of his â€Å"heart†(3. 2. 78) for being so loyal to him. This moment between the two characters, shows that Hamlet is anticipating his own demise and wants to make sure he Horatio knows that he was appreciated by Hamlet. The fact that Hamlet is expecting to die, shows readers that the implication Hamlet makes when taking the oath of vengeance is correct. He is convinced that his life will come to an end after he avenges his father’s murder. This shows how Hamlet is beginning to think about how people cannot control our lives, but that everyone has a certain fate. This theme is further developed through Hamlet’s actions later on in the play. Even though Hamlet’s view on life and death is still quite pessimistic, Shakespeare exposes Hamlet to the idea that humans may not be in control of their fate. Shakespeare does so through â€Å"The Murder of Gonzago†(2. 2. 564) the play Hamlet puts on, as Hamlet is aware that â€Å"the purpose of playing†(3. 2. 21) is to mirror reality. With this in mind, Hamlet adds â€Å"some dozen or sixteen lines†(2. 2.567-568) to create a mirror image of his father’s murder within the play. Hamlet does this to see if his uncle really killed his father, and determines that he does do to his reaction. The play discusses how people live their lives â€Å"determine[s] oft we break†(3. 2. 210). This idea connects back to Hamlet’s discussion with Horatio about people’s â€Å"vicious mole of nature†(1. 4. 27) causing them to be a victim of fate and builds upon that concept. The play also considers how, what someone wants to happen and what actually happens, are totally different; people have no control over their lives. Thus, the play builds upon the concept that no matter what people do, their efforts will be overthrown, as they cannot control fate. This exposes Hamlet once again to this idea putting it in his sub-conscience to be seen further on in the play. Hamlet has now been exposed to the idea of fate controlling people’s lives, but has not come to realize this for himself yet. This is seen when Hamlet accidentally murders Polonius and still accepts responsibility for it even though Polonius was killed due to his tragic flaw, being nosy and arrogant. Polonius is killed after giving away his location while â€Å"intruding†(3. 4. 38) on Hamlet and Gertrude talking. Since this is how he is killed, it could be expected that Hamlet would try to rationalize Polonius’s murder as it was his fate to die in that manner. Instead of doing this, Hamlet’s sense of responsibility for the death of Polonius is at odds with his cynical view that people are a victim of their fate. This reveals that Hamlet is just beginning to grasp the concept presented in the play. Rather than rationalizing Polonius’s death as something uncontrollable, he believes that he is an agent of divine retribution and it was his duty to kill Polonius. Thus, Hamlet twisted the words of the play and came to a different conclusion than what the play presented. Either way, Hamlet’s philosophy on life and death comes closer to his final conclusion as he is beginning to realize that people have no control over their lives. Hamlet’s philosophy on death is refined even further when he is confronted with the idea that death may not be as big a deal as he makes it seem. He is faced with this idea when he comes across troops led by â€Å"Fortinbras†(4. 4. 15) going to â€Å"Poland†(4. 4. 16) to fight to â€Å"gain a little patch of ground†(4. 4. 19) that is useless to the troops. This puzzles Hamlet because he sees it as illogical, as the men are fighting without a â€Å"cause†(4. 4. 29). He does not comprehend how so many people are willing to die for nothing, when for him dying is a very hard thing to come to terms with. Shakespeare uses this scene to show Hamlet that death is not as significant as he makes it seem, but rather insignificant in the big scheme of things. Although he does not grasp this concept right away, it is important in shaping his overall view on life and death at the end of the play. Thus, Hamlet is once again exposed to an outlook on life and death that contrasts his own and leads him to a new understanding about life and death. The outlook Hamlet has on life and death becomes more optimistic as he has finally come to terms with death. Horatio has just fetched Hamlet from a pirate ship bringing him back from his journey to England and they are in a graveyard near the castle. They stumble upon a gravedigger and his friends and when the gravedigger digs up a â€Å"skull†(5. 1. 77) Hamlet reveals he is now amused by death, rather than scared of it. He jests about what the skull may be and reveals he now grasps that life is a â€Å"fine revolution†(5. 1. 92). This shows how Hamlet has come to terms with the fact that everyone dies and are all reduced to just â€Å"bones†(5. 1. 93). Instead of being bothered by this and constantly fighting death, Hamlet has become allies with it, a kind of fatalism. Despite this, Hamlet is not fully unaffected by death, as he is still emotionally touched by it when it is personal. This is seen when the skull of â€Å"Yorick†(5. 1. 191), the old jester, is dug up. After seeing this, Hamlet beings again to conceptualize how everyone is equal in death as even â€Å"Alexander†(5. 1. 216) and â€Å"Imperious Caesar†(5. 1. 220) â€Å"returneth to dust†(5. 1. 217). Although Hamlet tries to rationalize Yorick’s death, when he finds out that the grave being dug is for Ophelia, he cannot control his emotions any longer. Once again death affects Hamlet and he is overcome by â€Å"sorrow†(5. 1. 268) and â€Å"grief†(5. 1. 267). Thus, Hamlet has a new fatalism about him, but death still moves him when it is personal, which is continually seen through to the end of the play. Hamlet’s once pessimistic view on life and death takes a final turn when he takes everything that has happened and comes to believe that â€Å"providence†(5. 2. 234) controls life and death. After the graveyard, Hamlet tells Horatio how he escaped the ship taking him to â€Å"England†(5. 2. 44) to be killed, by authority of Claudius. The ship was under attack by pirates and before jumping ship he wrote letters to have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who were taking him to England, killed instead of him. This huge escape, along with all the events prior enable Hamlet to realize how insignificant everyone is in life. Hamlet now believes that regardless of what a person does, it will not matter because â€Å"there [is] a divinity that shapes our ends†(5. 2. 11). This is seen when Hamlet admits that the deaths of â€Å"Guildenstern and Rosencrantz†(5. 2. 63) are â€Å"not near [his] conscience†(5. 2. 65). He rationalizes their deaths because they died in the process of ingratiating themselves to the â€Å"King†(5. 2. 43), their tragic flaw, and since providence is always in control, their deaths are out of Hamlet’s hands. This contrasts Polonius’s death when even though he died due to his â€Å"vicious mole of nature†(1. 4. 27), Hamlet still felt responsible since he did not yet believe fate controls everything. Furthermore, Hamlet answers his own question â€Å"to be or not to be†(3. 1. 64) with â€Å"let be†(5. 2. 238). He recognizes that people cannot live their lives scared of dying because â€Å"providence†(5. 2.234) has a hand in the smallest of things. This philosophical look on life and death reveals that Hamlet has accepted his fate and is now ready to die. Hamlet’s philosophical look on life continues until his dying moments. Since he has accepted his fate, he stops thinking about his actions and lives with the â€Å"readiness†(5. 2. 237) to die. He goes into a fencing match with Laertes who is there to avenge Polonius’s death, knowing he may â€Å"lose†(5. 2. 223) but does so anyways. Little does he know, Claudius and Laertes have made a plan to poison him with the sword or with a poisoned â€Å"chalice†(4.7. 183). Hamlet is struck by the poisoned sword and is told that he only has â€Å"half an hour’s life†(5. 2. 346). It is with this that readers see Hamlet’s philosophical outlook prevail again. After killing Claudius, the leader of this plan, he acknowledges that he only has a few moments to live and takes control. He is not scared but rather calm and tells Horatio to â€Å"let it be†(5. 2. 370) and to live his life and â€Å"tell [his] story†(5. 2. 384). Lastly, Hamlet passes on the kingdom to â€Å"Fortinbras†(5. 2. 393) and recognizes that â€Å"the rest is silence†(5.2. 395); Hamlet’s life is over. Thus, Hamlet’s philosophical look on life and death goes hand in hand with his death, as he does not fight it and he is well aware that he is dying and stays calm. This is a major contrast to how the play starts off when Hamlet is terrified to die, as he is scared of damnation. Now, Hamlet is ready to die and is okay with dying â€Å"now†(5. 2. 236). Thus, Hamlet’s philosophy on life and death has come full circle, as he started off very pessimistic and ended up with a reflective view on life and death. Shakespeare presents the concept that life and death are out of people’s control and are shaped by â€Å"providence†(5. 2. 324) through the character of Hamlet. Hamlet believes that life cannot be controlled by people but rather, it is controlled by God and fate. He realizes that he should not live his life in fear of death and many events lead him to be convinced that no matter what people do, the way they die will still be controlled by a â€Å"divinity†(5. 2. 11). Although God plays some part in everyone’s lives, people cannot depend solely on him to shape their lives. How a person lives does â€Å"determine†(3. 2. 210) how they die, but only that person can shape their own future. Every new generation is told that the future is in their hands and this is very true. Everyone can make their life what they want it to be and no-one has to succumb to fate, but anyone can choose that path. People need to be aware that even though fate and destiny may be considered real, everyone has the power to shape their own life. Bibliography: Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Eds. B. A. Mowat, P. Werstine. New York: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992.